May I have Your Attention, Please?

So much has been going on lately, I don’t know where to start – so I’ll start at the end:

”Lia in Brussels” is moving on to ‘The Humble Fabulist‘, a new blog dedicated to life and times in New York, with the occasional throwback to Brussels when homesickness kicks in.

You see, I received a wonderful Christmas present last year! It was not intended as such, but the ”production process” was a long, nerve-wrecking one and after a few months of compulsive nail-biting (I still haven’t kicked the habit – shame on me), it finally landed in my mailbox just in time to go directly under the mini-Tannenbaum: a new job assignment, a thrilling new beginning; a welcome challenge; and a realization of a long lasting dream – that of working and living in New York City.

So join me in ”The Humble Fabulist” if you’d like to keep in touch; I would love to share with you my photo fables as I discover the streets, smells, people and places of The City.

But before we go, let’s kiss Brussels goodbye with one last walk in the eerie vastness of la Cité administrative.
Bruxelles, ma belle, ce n’est qu’un au revoir…!








Cité administrative

Brussels, 20th August 2016